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Most imperatives (also called "command forms") are based on the second person singular and the first and second persons plural of the present indicative, although the subject or subject pronoun disappears:

Finis tes devoirs! (Finish your homework!)
Mangeons! (Let's eat!)
Fermez la porte! (Close the door!)

The imperatives of avoir, être, savoir, and vouloir are irregular:

avoir: aie, ayons, ayez
être: sois, soyons, soyez
vouloir: veuille, veuillons, veuillez
savoir: sache, sachons, sachez

Note that the second person singular of -er verbs drops the -s -- except when followed by the pronoun y or en:

Regarde les enfants! (Watch the kids!)
Va au travail! (Go to work!)


Vas-y! (Go ahead!)
Parles-en! (Talk about it!)

When imperatives of pronominal verbs (including reciprocals and reflexives) are formed, the object pronoun is retained. In affirmative imperatives, it follows the verb:

Réveillez-vous! (Wake up!)
Lave-toi! (Wash yourself!)

In negative imperatives, it precedes the verb:

Ne vous moquez pas de moi! (Don't make fun of me!)

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