An Amino Acid Binding Domain for Cu(II)- N terminal-GGH

Two Molecules of (Glycyl-glycyl-L-histidine-N-methyl amide)-copper(II) with two water molecules
Note: This is the asymmetric repeat of the unit cell.

Ref: CCDC Code: CUGGHM10 N. Camerman, A. Camerman, B. Sarkar; Can. J. Chem., Vol 54, p. 1309, 1976
Notes: R= 3.6.

A single molecule of (GlyGlyHis-N-methyl amide)-Cu(II)
and the two additional oxygen atoms in axial positions from
one water molecule and one oxygen atom from the carbonyl
of an adjacent (GlyGlyHis-N-Methyl amide)Cu(II) molecule